EP03: Haiku Three
Sat, 03 Apr
|Live stream at 7am then available on site
You're invited to join for 20 minutes, and will involve you getting out of your home for a short walk and listening to shakuhachi music followed by a Haiku by Basho. Category:[Spaces] // Series: [Five Haiku]

03 Apr 2021, 07:00 – 23:00 BST
Live stream at 7am then available on site
Haiku Three is part of a series of short audio-only soundwalks taking place at dawn, guided and accompanied by shakuhachi player Laonikos. You're invited to join for 20 minutes, and will involve you getting out of your home for a short walk and listening. You are invited to take a soundwalk in their neighbourhood at dawn while listening to a livestream of shakuhachi music, ending with a recitation of a haiku by Basho, selected for that particular morning. These sessions will be like a bell which “rings” once a week for five weeks, and tethers us to the change of the seasons and the lengthening of the day in springtime. Shakuhachi music is not defined by consistency of pitch and rhythm, but by blending the musical and the non-musical, inviting the sounds of the breath and imperfections in the construction of the instrument into its aesthetic. By letting those sounds in, we open up possibilities for listening to the world around us in different ways, and embracing that which we cannot control but can only witness.
Series: [Five Haiku]
Free participation
Tickets are free but please donate directly to the artist https://paypal.me/laonikoss
£0.00Sale ended