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Thu, 17 Dec


Episode 7: Tourism

uses sections of durational recordings from Japan.

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Episode 7: Tourism
Episode 7: Tourism

17 Dec 2020, 17:00

During a joint residency with Pheobe, my daughter, in Japan, 2018

she created a series of works; ‘tourist’ (film, photography,

installation, sound) focused on the border between being tourist

and visiting a country for the first time with another purpose

also; the aspect of being an observer and a participant. These

recordings reflect some moments of our time spent closely

listening to open windows, shinkansen signals, ultrasonics of

edogawa at night and a workshop garden

open window, nara | Pheobe riley Law

shinkansen signals | Pheobe riley Law

edogawa at night | JrF

workshop garden | JrF/ Pheobe riley Law

Listening is more than hearing. It’s about letting sounds in and

that requires a letting go of control, and a recognition (for

artist, recordist, audience) of the intuitive response being a

natural part of our species.

nb. headphone listening or via audio speakers is recommended as

some of the frequencies are inaudible via computer speakers


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