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EP05: Gloves

Sun, 21 Feb


Live Zoom session

Inside gloves, hands can for instance feel the texture of the fabric and the temperature, but can they still sense what is happening outside? Now, imagine that your listening is like touching. Category: [Ourselves] // Series: [Sonomateca]

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EP05: Gloves
EP05: Gloves

21 Feb 2021, 18:00 – 19:00 GMT

Live Zoom session

Gloves protect one of the most sensitive parts of the body, the hands. Touching something means sending multiple signals about the environment to the brain. Inside gloves, hands can for instance feel the texture of the fabric and the temperature, but can they still sense what is happening outside? Can you remember last time you had to take off your gloves because you could not do otherwise? Now, imagine that your listening is like touching.

Category: [Ourselves]

Series: [Sonomateca]


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